Read our Biennial Report 2021-2022
Attend this seminar
SideroArt: How to Exploit Artificial Siderophores for Molecular Imaging Applications
June 3, 2024 – 16:00h
About Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares
Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (C2TN) is a multi- and interdisciplinary Research Unit of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) recognized as a national reference unit and a major international player in applications of Nuclear Sciences and Technologies and Ionizing Radiation. It is dedicated to scientific excellence, carrying out cutting-edge research, high-level services, and advanced training.
Guided by its motto, “Radiation for Science and Society”, C2TN upholds a commitment to scientific excellence while actively addressing societal challenges within the scope of its areas of competence, namely, Earth Sciences, Environment, Cultural Heritage Life and Radiological Protection, Health Sciences, and Material Sciences.
C2TN researchers hold unique scientific, technological and engineering competence and skills both in Portugal and, in some topical areas, in international scientific arenas. They operate and make available to different scientific communities, laboratories, equipment and infrastructures, some of them exclusive in Portugal.
Under modern governance rules and promoting gender balance, C2TN has five Research Groups that carry out RD&I activities within the scope of three Thematic Lines: Earth Systems, Radioactivity and Cultural Heritage, Radiopharmaceutical Sciences and Health Physics and Advanced Materials.

The Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear of Técnico receives a visit from PhD Students from ISOBIOTICS
As part of the ‘ISOBIOTICS: Isotopic Labelling of Biotherapeutics’ project, 10 doctoral students visited the

The next IAEA Webinar is approaching!
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) invites all interested parties to participate in the next

5th Edition of the ‘C2TN Annual Workshop’ brings together experts dedicated to cutting-edge Research and Innovation
On 11th December, the auditorium of the Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear (CTN) of the Instituto