Book and Book Chapters
Marques, L., Vale, A., & Vaz, P. (2023). Development of a Portable Neutron Detection System for Security and Defense Applications. In: Developments and Advances in Defense and Security, Á. Rocha, C.H. Fajardo-Toro and J.M. Riola (Eds.), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer Singapore, vol. 328, Chapter 24, pp. 283–293. doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-7689-6_24.
Vale, A., Ventura, R., Corisco, J., Catarino, N., Veiga, N., & Sargento, S. (2023). Heterogeneous drone fleet for radiological inspection. In: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Applications: Challenges and Trends, chapter 1, Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-32037-8_4.
Almeida, S.M. & Martins, V. (2022). Exposure to Air Pollutants in Ground Transport Microenvironments. In: Handbook of Indoor Air Quality, Zhang, Y, Hopke, P.K., Mandin, C. (eds.), Springer, ISBN 978-981-16-7679-6, ISBN 978-981-16-7680-2 (eBook),
doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-7680-2, Chapter 68, pp. 2023-2044.
Aprilliani, D., … Alves, J.G., … et al. (2022). Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency Involving the Transport of Radioactive Material. IAEA, Specific Safety Guide No. SSG-65, STI/PUB/1960, 91 p.. ISBN:978-92-0-127521-9.
Contributors to drafting and review.
Cabral Pinto, M., Dinis, P.A., Groz, D.P., Marques, R., Prudêncio, M.I., Moura, R., Rocha, F.T. & Silva, E.F. (2022). Weathering on volcanic edifices under semiarid climates: insights from a regional assessment of the composition of Fogo Island regoliths (Cape Verde). In: Volcanic Processes in the Sedimentary Record: when Volcanoes meet the Environment, Edited by A. Di Capua, R. De Rosa, G. Kereszturi, E. Le Pera, M. Rosi and S.F.L. Watt, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 520. ONLINE. doi:10.1144/SP520-2021-61.
Lizana, J., Chacartegui Ramírez, R., Almeida, S.M., & Manteigas, V. (eds.) (2022). The pathway towards low carbon schools: criteria, targets and solutions. Nova Science Publishers, 140 p.,
ISBN: 978-1-68507-778-5. doi: 10.52305/XVSQ6757.
Madureira, J., Barros, L., Margaça, F.M.A., Santos-Buelga, C., Ferreira, I.C.F.R., Verde, S.C. (2022). Effects of Irradiation on Food Bioactives. In: Jafari, S.M., Capanoglu, E. (eds) Retention of Bioactives in Food Processing. Food Bioactive Ingredients, Springer, Cham., pp. 429–465.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-96885-4_14.
Sanjuán, L.G. Medialdea, A., Nieto, V.B., Athanassas, C., Pike, A., Standish, C.D., Dias, M.I., Rodrigues, A.L., Toledo, J.L.C., Wheatley, D.W., Peña, M.C. (2022). Nuevas aportaciones a la cronología numérica del dolmen de Menga. In: Dolmen de Menga. Intervención de 2005-2006 – Investigando la génesis de un monumento neolítico excepcional. Ed. Sanjuán, L.G. Editorial Universidad de Aevilla, Almuzara Universidad, Cap. 15, 439 – 454. ISBN: 978-84-11312-94-3.
Abrefah, R., Akortia, C., Ames, C., Andreeva, S. Beatty, R.. Bennett, P., Budu, M., Daniska, V., Dennis, H., Dimitrovski, L., Domingo, X., Fuentes Solis, N.O., Gastl, C., Geupel, S., Harrison, T., Ipatov, V., Ivanov, K., Jinchuk, D., Kling, A., Marshall, F., Mayer, S., Mostert, J., Muhammad Nor, A., Odoi, H.C., Ramanathan, L., Russo, D., Schneider, E., Talbi, A. Valery, J.-F., Van Marcke, P., Vargas, E., Varvayanni, M., Vo Van, V., Zachar, M., & Zakaria, N. (2021). Research Reactor Spent Fuel Management: Options and Support to Decision Making. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 2021, IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NF-T-3.9, STI/PUB/1954, 138 pp., ISBN 978–92–0–120121–8 (pdf). Contributors to Drafting and Review. .
Canha N., Belo J., & Cruz, M.M.(2021). Sono, Ambiente e Qualidade do Ar. In: Medicina Oral no Sono, M.M. Cruz, L.C. Giannasi and M.A.C. Machado (eds.), Santos Publicações Ltda., São Paulo, Brasil, ISBN: 9786586699890. Chapter 4.5., pp. 53-63.
Canha, N., Diapouli, E., & Almeida, S.M. (2021) Integrated Human Exposure to Air Pollution. MDPI Books. Basel, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-0365-1082-8, 265 pages. doi: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-1083-5.
Preto, A.J., Marques-Pereira, C., Baptista, S.J., Bueschbell, B., Barreto, C.A.V., Gaspar, A.T., Pinheiro, I., Pereira, N., Pires, M., Ramalhão, D., Silvério, D., Rosário-Ferreira, N., Melo, R., Mourão, J., & Moreira, I.S. (2021) Targeting GPCRs Via Multi-Platforms Arrays and AI. In: Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-820472-6.00048-7.
Savdie, J., Canha, N., Buitrago, N., & Almeida, S.M., (2021). Passive Exposure to Pollutants from a New Generation of Cigarettes in Real Life Scenarios. In: Integrated Human Exposure to Air Pollution. MDPI Books. Basel, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-0365-1082-8, doi: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-1083-5, pp. 163-181.
Silva, A.V., Oliveira, C.M., Canha, N., Miranda, A.I., & Almeida, S.M., (2021). Long-Term Assessment of Air Quality and Identification of Aerosol Sources at Setúbal, Portugal. In: Integrated Human Exposure to Air Pollution. MDPI Books. Basel, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-0365-1082-8, doi: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-1083-5, pp. 87-107.
Soares, A.M.M., Valério, P., & Valera, A.C. (2021). O Lingote de Cobre Calcolítico da Folha do Ouro 1 (Serpa) – Análise Química, Microestrutural e Isotópica. In: Terra e Sal, Victor S. Gonçalves (Ed.), UNIARQ/FL-UL, ISBN: 978-989-53453-1-1. doi:10.51427/10451/50508, pp. 219-230.
Valente, A., Morais, T.S.; Teixeira, R.G., Matos, C.P., Tomaz, A.I., & Garcia, M.H. (2021). Ruthenium and iron metallodrugs: new inorganic and organometallic complexes as prospective anticancer agents. In: Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry: New Perspectives, Ewan J.M. Hamilton (Ed.), Elsevier Inc., Chapter 6, pp. 223-276. doi: 10.1016/b978-0-12-818429-5.00010-7.
Zilhão, J., Gonçalves, A.P., Alves, L.C., & Soares, A.M.M. (2021). Uma conta vidrada proto-histórica da Gruta do Caldeirão (Tomar, Portugal). In “Terra e Sal”, Victor S. Gonçalves (Ed.), UNIARQ/FL-UL, ISBN: 978-989-53453-1-1. doi:10.51427/10451/50508, pp. 313-324.
Barreto, C.A.V., Baptista, A.J.P., Filipe, P.M., Mourão, J., Melo, R., & Moreira, R., (2020). Prediction and targeting of GPCR oligomer interfaces. In: Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, Jesús Giraldo and Francisco Ciruela (Eds.), Academic Press, Volume 169, Chapter 4, pp. 105-149. ISBN: 9780128179291. doi:10.1016/bs.pmbts.2019.11.007.
Burbidge, C., Cardoso, G., Dias, M.I., Oosterbeek, L., Prudêncio, M.I. (2020). Luminescence dating at the Anta da Lajinha. In: Megaliyhic tombs in western Iberia, Excavations at the Anta da Lajinha, Eds. Chris Scarre & Luis Oosterbeek (Eds), Oxbow, books, Oxford & Philadelphia, Appendix 2.B, pp. 68-73.
Matos, J.C., Laura C. J. Pereira, L.C.J., Waerenborgh, J.C., & Gonçalves, M.C. (2020). Encapsulation of active molecules in pharmaceutical sector: the role of ceramic nanocarriers. In: Encapsulation of Active Molecules and Their Delivery System, Shirish H. Sonawane, Bharat A. Bhanvase Manickam Sivakumar (Eds.), Elsevier Inc., Chapter 4, pp. 53-83. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-819363-1.00004-1.
Pereira, A.C., Inácio, M., Pereira, H.C., Paiva, I. (2020). The Application Builder of Comsol Multiphysics 5 – A brief Introduction. ISBN: 979-8649472340.
Silva, F., Paulo, A., Pallier, A., Même, S., Tóth, E., Gano, L., Marques, F., Geraldes, C.F.G.C., Castro, M.M.C.A., Cardoso, A.M., Jurado, A.S., López-Larrubia, P., Lacerda, S., & Campello, M.P.C. (2020). Dual imaging gold nanoplatforms for targeted radiotheranostics. In: Prime Archives in Material Science, 2nd Edition, José Alexandre Bogas (Ed.), Vide Leaf, ISBN:978-93-90014-26-2.
Soares, A.M.M., Baptista, L., & Valério, P. (2020). Contactos “pré-coloniais” durante o Bronze Final no interior alentejano (sul de Portugal). Estabelecimento da uma cronologia precisa fazendo uso da datação pelo radiocarbono e de um tratamento estatístico Bayesiano. In: Métodos Cronométricos en Arqueología, Historia y Paleontología Barceló, J.A., Morell, B. (Eds.), Dextra Editorial, Madrid, pp. 363-370, ISBN: 978-84-17946-34-0.