On October 25, Major Luís Marques, the PhD student in Technological Physics Engineering at IST, received the Scientific Research Prize in Military Sciences 2023 in the area of “Military Techniques and Technologies”. The ceremony, presided by her Excellency the Minister of National Defense, Prof. Dr. Helena Carreiras, took place at the Military University Institute on the occasion of the solemn opening of the academic year.
The prize-winning team includes Professor Alberto Vale (IPFN – IST) and Professor Pedro Vaz (C2TN – IST).
The Scientific Research in Military Sciences 2023 prize is awarded annually by the Portuguese Military University Institute and aims to recognize scientific research in five fundamental areas of Military Sciences, including “Military Techniques and Technologies”.
The winning research paper, entitled “Development of a Portable Neutron Detection System for Security and Defense Applications” (Springer, Singapore), presents the development and testing of a portable neutron detection system, based on the integration of silicon photomultiplier sensors in a plastic scintillator (EJ-426HD, with lithium-6) and a compact and modular neutron moderator, aiming the detection of special nuclear materials (e.g. plutonium) and other neutron sources used in industry and research.