Applied Dynamics Laboratory
The Applied Dynamics Laboratory (ADL) has 40 years research experience in theoretical, numerical and experimental analysis of vibrating structures and acoustical systems. International collaborations, in particular the long-standing relation with the French “CEA – Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives / Université Paris-Saclay”, enabled ADL to develop and experimentally validate theoretical methods and computational tools for designing critical components of Nuclear Power Stations. Fundamental research work has also been developed at ADL, in particular related to nonlinear dynamical systems, flow induced vibrations, rotating machinery as well as signal processing and system identification. ADL published achievements are relevant for industrial problems, but also in the context of cultural heritage, as documented by the extensive research work performed on the carillons of the Mafra basilica. ADL is equipped for finite element computations, applied to static and dynamic analysis of complex structures, performed using CAST3M, a general purpose computer code developed by our partners from CEA. Experimental facilities at ADL include a full range of transducers and equipment for excitation and analysis of vibratory and acoustical systems.
Contact person: José Vieira Antunes –