Electrochemical Synthesis Laboratory
The activity in this laboratory is focused on the synthesis of molecular species to be used in the preparation of new molecule-based materials, with unconventional electrical and/or magnetic properties. General procedures in organic and inorganic chemistry are currently used in the laboratory and a very special attention is given to low and room temperature crystallization techniques, as single crystals are often required to subsequent characterization techniques (X-ray diffraction, electrical or thermal transport, magnetic studies).
For the preparation and basic characterization of advanced molecular materials, including moister and air sensitive materials (fully equipped with vacuum lines and a glovebox with N2). Other relevant small equipment: rotary evaporators, drying pistols, vacuum-ovens; melting point apparatus; gradient sublime.
Synthesis of advanced materials by electrochemical methods. Relevant equipment: potenciostat for cyclic voltammetry and current sources for electrocrystallization.
Contact person: Dulce Belo – dbelo@ctn.tecnico.ulisboa.pt