High Temperature Synthesis and Crystal Growth
The High Temperature Synthesis and Crystal Growth Laboratory is a unique facility for preparation and single crystal growth of inorganic materials, able to handle uranium and thorium. It includes several melting techniques (like arc-melting or induction-melting), high-temperature crystal growth methods (as Czochralski, Bridgman, Floating Zone or Flux), Hot-press processing, Splat Cooling/Melt Spinning for metallic glasses/nanograined materials, and also Electrospinning for micra/submicra fibers production. This laboratory has been supporting national and international projects, either in the framework of projects participated by the Solid-State Group, or by demand of other researchers inside and outside IST.
Main equipment:
Induction furnace equipped with cold crucibles and accessories for the growth of single crystals by the Czochralski, Bridgman and Floating Zone methods.
- Arc furnaces.
- Resistive furnaces (up to 2200 C).
- Two-zone furnaces (up to 1100ºC).
- Flux equipment (up to 1400º).
- Splat Cooling System.
- Melt Spinning System.
- Electrospinning System.
- Laboratory precision cut-off machine for small dimension materials.
- Low damage spark erosion unit.
Contact Person at IST: António Pereira Gonçalves – apg@ctn.tecnico.ulisboa.pt