HRHE-PIXE facility
The High Resolution High Energy Particle Induced X-ray Emission (HRHE-PIXE) facility installed in 2008, is one of the few, if not still the single PIXE setup in the world, able to provide PIXE X-ray spectra covering an almost 120 keV window energy (from just below 1 keV up to above the 110 keV of the 19F(p,p’γ)19F nuclear reaction γ ray), while presenting a state-of-the-art relative resolution reaching 0.25% and always better than 1.5%.
The full 120 keV range is achieved using two detectors. A CdTe detector, operational for energies above 3.3 keV, complements a first generation transition edge sensor, TES, X ray Microcalorimeter Spectrometer (XMS), capable of providing better than 1% relative resolution from below 1.0 keV up to 20 keV, while reaching 0.25% relative resolution at 10.550 keV Pb Kα
Contact person: Miguel Reis –