Radiopharmaceutical Sciences and Health Physics

C2TN research activities organized under an integrative program devoted to Health and Life Sciences intend, in the long term, to reduce the negative impact of diseases associated with aging and non-communicable diseases, under the framework of Objective 3 of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, more specifically to reduce premature mortality through prevention and treatment. Within that context, the Radiopharmaceutical Sciences and Health Physics (RSHP) thematic strand is focused on the application of ionizing radiation in different aspects of Human Health, tackling two major research topics: Theranostics and Personalized Medicine, and Medical Physics.

Thematic strand leader

Objective managers

Biological Effects of Radiation and Medical Dosimetry
Radioactive Tools for Molecular Imaging and Theranostics
Pre-clinical Evaluation and Imaging
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