
The paramount importance of chemical speciation studies in biology and environmental sciences

Research to Reality: Bridging the Clinical Manufacturing Gap

CLOUD Experiment (AntiMatter-OTech) - A New Generation of Innovation & Fundamental Neutrino Physics at Chooz

SideroArt: How to Exploit Artificial Siderophores for Molecular Imaging Applications

Seminar on Ethics of Science and Technology

Solution of magnetic structures in JANA2020

LiquidO: Fundamental Particle Detection & Imaging in Opaque Media

Modern alchemy (radiochemistry) for cancer imaging and therapy

European Defence Fund (EDF) Resilience. How it works and introducing the RN subconsortium

Utilizing novel enhancement principles to develop high performance thermoelectrics

Modulation of Tumor Stroma to Sensitize Radiation Therapy and Immunotherapy

Artificial Neural Networks in radiological inspection

3p-C-NETA, a versatile chelator for theranostic applications in Nuclear Medicine

Life’s ubiquitous solution for iron managing and oxidative stress protection

Sustainable management of Natural Mineral Waters

Layered organic metals in high magnetic fields

Small probes to nanoparticles: targeted multimodal imaging & theranostic applications

Gamma radiation as a tool for remedial conservation with 50 years’ experience

High performing organic field-effect transistors for sensing applications

Coupling Atom-Like Spins in Semiconductors: Towards Scalable Quantum Computing

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