C2TN is part of the consortium composed by 10 partners that won the H2020 project ECF4CLIM “A European competence framework for a low-carbon economy and sustainability through education”.
The aim of ECF4CLIM proposal is to co-design and test a European Competence Framework for climate change and sustainable development that is transdisciplinary and will enable and empower the citizens to act towards the necessary transition towards sustainability. Towards that ultimate goal, and in a participatory ethos, ECF4CLIM aims to engage students, teachers, parents and the wider educational community in contributing to climate action and fostering transformational change towards sustainable development in the spirit of ‘citizen science’. We will do so by providing and co-designing with the educational community the tools (the competence framework, applications, platforms, etc.) that enable these various actor groups to change their personal and collective behaviours, habits, routines, and social norms in order to foster sustainable development, in particular with a view to combating climate change. A hybrid conceptual and methodological participatory approach combining elements from a variety of disciplines will be established throughout the project to foster participatory experiential learning, involving thinking in-action, doing and reflecting.
ECF4CLIM project is coordinated in IST by the C2wTN researcher Marta Almeida.